Minutes before the Nintendo Wii U went on sale in the U.S., Nintendo made a firmware update available that takes a rather long amount of time to download and install, but is completely necessary in order to have your console use any of its online features. Then a few weeks ago, firmware update version 2.1.0 was made available which made “further improvements to overall system stability.”

As vague as that update was, the next firmware update is right around the corner as Nintendo’s President, Satoru Iwata, announced it will be available in late December, and it’s an update you’re going to be happy is available.

According to Iwata, the firmware update will address the slow software loading times, which I’m sure many of you Wii U owners have experienced too often.

We’re just hoping your kids can be patient as their Wii U they received for the holidays updates itself for hours. We’re hoping you were a smart parent and updated it before wrapping it up, or you could be looking at some bored, impatient kids this holiday season.

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