Apple released an update to iOS 6 geared directly towards the iPhone 5 and iPad Mini as both devices seem to have had issues with their Wi-Fi, or at least enough users reported an issue to warrant Apple release an update. But it seems just two days later, users are reporting the batteries on their iPhone 5 and iPad Mini have been draining more rapidly than before.
Searching for the term “iOS 6.0.2 battery” in Twitter has resulted in a large amount of tweets from iPhone 5 and/or iPad Mini users complaining of the drain on their battery.
I personally have experienced this rapid battery drain as before I updated my iPhone 5 to iOS 6.0.2, I was able to go to bed with my phone at 100% charge, and wake up in the morning with it still being at 100% without it being plugged in overnight. Now, when I go to bed with a 100% charge, I wake up with my iPhone 5 at around a 90% charge. It isn’t exactly an earth shattering difference, but it’s certainly a difference nonetheless, especially if I have business to conduct in the morning and I can’t grab a quick charge before I leave.
As of now, there’s no word from Apple regarding this issue. Seeing how iOS 6.1 is so close to being released, they may just sweep this issue under the rug and make sure the new iOS 6 update doesn’t have the same battery issues 6.0.2 has.