Attaching a photo to a contact on your phone is pretty much standard fare these days, but it seems that Apple might have a patent in which caller ID might be taken to a more novel level.

Normally attaching a photo to a contact will have it display when that person is calling you, but Apple is hoping to make the experience a bit more dynamic by having your smartphone intelligently choose the most appropriate image for you.

For example your friend were to call you from their work location, a photo of them taken during work might show up instead. Or if you were to receive a call from a family member in another state or country, an image of your family member in that state or country will show up, making the photos a bit more relevant and informative.

These photos can either be stored on the device itself or on an off-site server which we can’t help but think could be related to Apple’s iCloud services. Users will also be able to rate these photos so that the system will know better next time which images to select from.

It even goes as far as choosing photos taken at night when a call is received at night, and vice versa for the day time. It’s a pretty novel feature and it’s most definitely not a make or break one when choosing a smartphone, but sometimes it’s about the little things, right? What do you guys think of this?

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