Instagram, apart from its photo-centric aesthetic qualities, also features an astute photo filtering service. This makes the photo-sharing platform very very enticing. In fact, it was so enticing that Twitter once considered acquiring the company behind it. But after losing to Facebook, it was rumored that Twitter was planning to buy an Instagram-like company to even it out. So when we heard today that Twitter is planning to launch a range photo filters that its users can add to pictures, we weren’t at all surprised.

That seems to suggest that Twitter is taking on the “if you can’t buy it, then build it” approach. According to the New York Times, Twitter is planning to update its mobile platform by introducing filters for photos that will allow people to share images on Twitter while bypassing Instagram. “The filters on Instagram make photos look like they were shot with 1960s Kodachrome or with 1890s sepia tone film,” reports the NYT.

It’s important to note that Twitter is a microblogging platform  Unlike Instagram, Twitter users will have to click on some links to get the photos. So, adding photo filters seems trivial for now, unless Twitter will add more on top of it. But the company could actually add more. One employee told the publication that Twitter is also planning to add other tools, such as the ability to upload and edit videos without having to go through a third-party app. Interesting isn’t it?

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