There is just something about the wonders of miniaturization, and what happens when a geek decides to work on an extremely small arcade cabinet? The kind of computing power that he needs to fall back upon would be rather limited, but this is where the unique and versatile Raspberry Pi (which is due for an update with a camera, by the way) comes in handy. Sure, the Raspberry Pi is definitely far from being the most powerful computer in the market, but it does pack more than enough punch to handle classic arcade-style video games. Not only that, since it has a size that is smaller than a deck of cards, the Raspberry Pi made the perfect fit to run a tiny arcade cabinet.

Attached to the Raspberry Pi is a 2.4-inch 320 x 240 pixel LCD display, where it was built with a custom case in tow to make the entire shebang resemble that of a classic video arcade cabinet. When loaded with the MAME video game emulator software, you know you are in for an ass kicking time – Double Dragon 2, here we come! Other hardware specifications include itty bitty speakers, a joystick and a quartet of buttons, not to mention a small 128 x 32 pixel OLED display which is located right above the screen, telling you which game is loaded at the moment.

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