A Swedish online store (http://www,dustin.se) has laid claim that demand for the Nokia Lumia 920 is not artificially engineered, and has classified it to be “absolutely huge”, where it actually caused a backlog that is twice as big as that compared to the hot selling Samsung Galaxy S3. Yes sir, we did talk earlier this morning concerning the rather hungry demand for the Lumia 920 in Nokia’s homeland, and Sweden, which is a Scandinavian country that has a tiny penetration of Windows Phone devices, also has seen phenomenal demand for the Windows Phone 8-powered device.

According to Marcuz Martinez, the Nordic Product Chief of the above mentioned online retailer, mentioned in a private Facebook group that “just as it is, demand is absolutely huge for this phone. I must, of course, not to mention a few figures besides “era” phones so we had EXTREMELY limited (we’re talking single digit, at certain colors). Add to that we have roughly twice the back log on this as we had on the Samsung Galaxy s3 so do you understand the extent of luxury problem…”

Hmmm, this is definitely a good problem to have if you are Nokia. Perhaps it is time to ramp up production so that folks will be satisfied when Christmas comes around? You know how short the attention span of us humans are…

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