Microsoft did mention before that they intend to roll out the Windows Phone 7.8 operating system update to all handsets by taking the Over the Air (OTA) route which would not require any form of carrier intervention at all. That sounds fine and dandy, but it seems that OEMs do have a role to play after all, but not in LG’s case it seems. The South Korean company failed to roll out any follow-up software updates to their first generation of Windows Phones, and they seem to have absolved all responsibility. A reader did ask LG whether they will be rolling out the Windows Phone 7.8 update, but the response was not too favorable.

Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting our customer support.
We wish to kindly inform you that it is not expected to introduce software update for your version of the E900 to 7.8.
If you have additional questions, please contact us again.
M ********* **
LG Electronics Poland.

It is also likely that owners of the LG Quantum will also be on the receiving end of such a similar reply, so you might as well start looking out for a Windows Phone 8 smartphone instead.

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