If you feel that you are an absentee father, and would like to make up for all the lost time with your kid, there is only one way to go around it – to be there, present not only physically but mentally as well. After all, before you know it, your kid would have grown up to be an adult, never really knowing what it meant to have spent quality time with his father. Well, Disney has come up with a cheap substitute that is interesting – it is not going to replace a father, far from it, but at least it might help dads and their children bond better. After all, having a robot around the home is always cool, no?

This unique robot will rely on external cameras which will work in tandem with a Kinect-like sensor, where it is capable of track the motion of a toss, and the pre-loaded algorithms will get to work right away, making a prediction on where your toss will land. It does seem as though the robot is tracking the ball with its eyes, reaching out and making quite the catch. Should it miss, the animatronic will look down at where the ball eventually landed, where it will shrug or shake its head in disappointment.

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