As most Tomb Raider fans are probably aware by now, the franchise will be getting a reboot come 2013, and for gamers who want to relive the good old days before moving on, or for gamers who are wondering what the fuss behind Tomb Raider is all about, the good news is that Square Enix has announced via their blog that all previous six Tomb Raider games will be available for purchase and download via Steam! Given that the original Tomb Raider is such an old game, trying to find it at your local gaming store might be a bit tricky, so by putting it on Steam it will make the lives of some gamers a bit more convenient. Each Tomb Raider title on Steam will be retailing for $9.99 each, which means you will need to drop close to $60 for all 6 which doesn’t seem like a bad deal. So, anyone looking to relive the glory days?

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