[CEATEC 2012] When it comes to robots mimicking humans, they are still a long way off, although we have gotten close to the uncanny valley in terms of the robot’s outer appearance. Of course, one might start to think whether it is all right for humans to date a robot when the artificial intelligence technology has caught up to our present needs, but that is another can of worms altogether, so let us not get there unless you want to end up in a debate as to whether one can have a robot for a spouse eventually. Having said that, the Tosy DiscoRobo dancing robot is far from a humanoid robot, but rather, it is a small toy that will dance according to the music beat. From our YouTube video above, the Totsy DiscoRobo is jiving to Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean, although you will not see it able to perform the Moonwalk anytime soon. Would it be able to give the Honda Asimo a run for its money in terms of movement? No, but it sure wins out where the cuteness level is concerned.

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