The “Likes” of our friends on photos, pages, links, and etc. on Facebook are a good way to see what our friends have been up to and also a great way to find out about new stuff. It seems that Facebook has picked up on that fact as well and according to its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference a couple of days ago, it was hinted that Facebook could be looking at developing a social search engine of its own. Instead of trawling through the internet for relevant information based on your search query, what Facebook has in mind is something very different and will search among content generated by Facebook users instead.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because this is pretty much what Google had in mind when they developed Google+ (socially relevant data), but given Facebook’s larger user base, we guess Facebook might have an advantage here. In an example given where a search query for a sushi restaurant is entered, instead of just spitting results back at you based on your location and restaurant reviews, this new social search engine will take into account the preferences of your friends and family. So perhaps a place that has been checked into often by friends or family will rank higher than just your regular search results. No word on when Facebook will launch this, but it does sound pretty interesting. What do you guys think?

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