It seems that the Google Now servers were knocked out of commission for a while today, although things are back to normal even as you read this. There was initial confusion for those who were using devices that ran on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, as it affected the main Gmail account as well, meaning you are unable to hook up to Google Now to boot. During the downtime, it seemed that Google accounts which were not hooked up to Google Now in any way were not affected (which is only natural). I guess owners of the Nexus 7 or Galaxy Nexus were affected for a while, in addition to others who already have an unofficial Jelly Bean ROM up and running on your respective device. Were you one of those who were affected for a while, and did your world come to a grinding stop when you could not access Google Now? Yeah, I thought so, too. I suppose that this is the time where a game on your device will keep you occupied without worrying about Google Now downtimes…

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