It seemed that software giant Microsoft actually suspended the publishing of new Windows Phone apps to the Windows Phone Marketplace after realizing that its team of developers ran into a particular issue concerning its new digital certificates. According to Microsoft, this particular error affected handsets that were upgraded to Windows Phone 7.5 Mango from an previous version of the mobile operating system, which is the main reason behind why they have decided to suspend all the publication of new Windows Phone apps.

Todd Brix, senior director for Windows Marketplace, mentioned over a blog post, “Some customers who try to download a new app may see an error message. If they’re attempting to update an existing app, they might repeatedly be prompted to retry the update. We don’t recommend that people uninstall these apps because they might not be able to download and use them again until we deploy our fix.”

No idea on just when exactly will new apps be published in the Windows Phone Marketplace, but Microsoft says that it is well aware of the situation and will do their utmost best to fix it as soon as possible.

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