Talk about having a stinking problem – it seems that during an alleged drug deal, a man dialed 911 by accident using of all things, his butt. Yes sir, the part of your body which has one of the softest bits of flesh, and is used to cushion and support most of your body weight whenever you sit down, proved to be the undoing of this alleged drug deal. Justin Kryzanowski, a 24-year-old male from Pennsylvania, was responsible for this unwanted call to 911, where the police claimed to have listened in to the entire operation. The Scranton Times-Tribune also claimed that the police managed to trace the “offending” cell phone back to Kryzanowski’s home. Read more about this mis-adventure after the jump.

At Kryzanowski’s pad, the police allegedly claimed to have discovered a motherlode of drug-related substances as well as tools which lent further credence to their accusations. They also claimed to have discovered Kyrzanowski in a state that saw him unable to articulate words as clearly as one might have been able to, and this happened right after his alleged purchase. The charges brought against him include possessing a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia, in addition to prohibited weapons. No idea on what kind of handset he was using, so the Samsung Galaxy S3 that you see above is just for illustration’s sake. It is hard to imagine a full touchscreen phone place its master under such a calamitious situation, so chances are the phone Kryzanowski was using had physical buttons.

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