Remember how we covered previous stories about a flying car, and how one day down the road, the possibility of such a machine hit the market would be realized? Well, the day is surely drawing closer and closer, what with the Terrafugia flying car recently completing its first phase of a six-stage flight test program – and with flying colors, too. I guess this would mean it is one step nearer to the rich masses being able to afford an actual flying car with a sticker price tag of $279,000, although I do wonder about the quality of licensing that comes with it.

Taking around 6 years to develop since its announcement all that time ago, the Terrafugia should also continue to undergo road and flight tests throughout the summer, before it is able to gain approval from relevant air and road safety governing groups through the accompanying certifications. First customer deliveries are tipped are expected by the end of 2012, which would mean one of the more memorable Christmases, I believe.
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