You’ve seen many iPod nano used as a watch, but given enough time, Apple could cram a smartphone in that space – the battery size is the final frontier here. Designer Olivier Demangel has imagined what an iPhone nano would look like, and how it could be turned from what looks like an miniature phone to the most advanced phone-watch, which includes a speaker phone and webcam functionality. The best part of the design? it is too small to feature a proprietary connector, so micro-USB is the interface of choice.

The device is build using machined-aluminum and is modular enough to let users change the wrist bands (plastic, leather, metallic…) to match their desired look. Its creator doesn’t mention it, but a necklace version is totally doable as well. The screen is too small for typing, but updated versions of Apple Siri voice assistant have made the keyboard obsolete. Just like the rest of the “iFamily”, this concept features a Retina display with a Twist: it uses a trans-reflective LCD display which uses sunlight to increase the screen brightness, which makes it very readable on a sunny day. In dim situations, a small back light kicks in.

What do you think of this design? Do you think that the day will come where smartphones won’t be in our pockets and purses anymore?

Filed in Apple >Concepts..