While the rumor mill on the PlayStation 4 has been relatively quiet, there has been much chatter regarding Microsoft’s next-gen Xbox console, which some believe will be known as the Xbox 720 and reportedly has been given the codename “Durango”. Either way there has been no official confirmation and no word on when we will be seeing either device, but some are assuming with Nintendo launching the Wii U presumably by the end of the year, Sony and Microsoft should not be too far behind. That being said, those are the sentiments echoed by EA’s CEO, John Riccitiello, who believes that we could very well be getting a first look at these next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft as soon as 2013. This is in spite of Sony claiming that their next-gen console, codenamed Orbis, will not be hitting the shelves until 2014 at the very earliest.
Naturally specifics were not given, so it’s hard to say if EA’s CEO knows something we don’t, or if he is simply making an educated guess. In any case, if either manufacturer were to reveal their next-gen consoles, E3 2013 might be a good time for it, so hopefully more information between now and then will emerge. Until then, be sure to check back with us regularly for updates!
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