I am quite sure that many of us office drones have had our own brush with Minesweeper in the past, especially for those of us who entered the workforce at the office when chunky CRTs were still in vogue, and to own a LCD monitor is somewhat the equivalent of you owning a 55″ OLED TV in this day and age. Many a time, we have ended up with just two squares left to be uncovered – where opening either one of them could result in a win, or loss – and most of the time, the computer wins in such a situation, leaving us with no choice but the sun to not don his pair of sunglasses.
Well, fast forward to today, and there is no need to own an electronic device in order to play Minesweeper. In fact, one will have to turn back the clock in the form of a scratchable postcard, thanks to the geeky folks over at Connect Design. Of course, once you have uncovered a mine, you can more or less be sure that there is no point playing any more, so you might as well go on a scratching frenzy and uncover the whole minefield at your leisure.
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