BBM is one of the key features of Blackberry devices and also one of the main reasons why people buy the phone (apart from its security features, design, physical keyboard, etc). That being said, we guess it was pretty much expected that RIM would introduce BBM to their upcoming Blackberry 10 platform and if you’re wondering how the instant messaging app would look like, well thanks to leaked screenshots, we now have a clue as to what we will be able to expected.

The folks at N4BB have managed to obtain some screenshots of what the app could look like upon its release. As you might have noticed, BBM for BB10 comes with some configurable themes, and even a theme that comes in darker colors, thus helping the phone save power. Given that full touchscreen smartphones tend to be more of a battery drainer compared to Blackberry phones with physical keyboards (the Bold 9900 not withstanding), we guess RIM is hoping to retain some of the longevity with its new software and hardware, therefore giving customers a reason to stay with RIM.

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