Given Nokia’s close ties with Microsoft, it would not be a stretch of the imagination if the Finnish company wasn’t already working on new devices for Microsoft’s upcoming Windows Phone 8 platform, but just what exactly can we expect? While that remains to be seen, one particular device, which we assume is its code name, has appeared on the WP Bench benchmark results page. The device has been outed as the Nokia Phi which shows its build as 8.0.9698.0, which apparently is the latest version of Windows Phone so far. Unfortunately apart from its codename and its build number, little to nothing else is known about the device, such as hardware specs or its design. Given that the Windows Phone Developer Summit has been scheduled for the 20th of June, it could be then that Nokia takes the wraps off the Nokia Phi device, or so we hope. Either way if you’re interested in seeing what else Nokia has to offer for the Windows Phone platform, be sure to check back with us then where hopefully we will have something new to share with you.
Filed in Nokia.
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