You know, not everyone who plays video games do not have a bright future. Heck, you can be a doctor and also an avid gamer, as Dr. Hank Chien proved. Dr. Hank is right now the record holder for passing the 1 million points mark in Donkey Kong, and he has recently beat his previous original score, arriving at the magical binary friendly 1,110,100 points mark. However, Chien, showing semblances of a perfectionist as well as optimist within, figured out that he could probably do better, and will devise a game plan in order for him to beat his previous high score.
According to Dr. Hank Chien, “This was not a killscreen game. I died two screens shy of the killscreen so my score would have been a little higher, perhaps 1.12 million points. I had a spare man going into Level 21 and was mentally preparing to sacrifice it on the last barrel board and my game was over a few minutes later. That’s how Donkey Kong rolls sometimes. I know currently there are several players who are capable of beating that score. If there was still a Donkey Kong in every pizza parlor I’m sure I wouldn’t have the record. I don’t know what my limits are on this game. Right now it’s about 1.5 million points.”
All the best, Hank!
Filed in Nintendo.
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