MindWave has just introduced NeuroSky MindWave Mobile for both the iOS and Android platforms, which makes this the first brainwave-reading device for iOS and Android platforms. Just in case MindWave Mobile sounds familiar, it is actually different from its sister-product MindWave, where it will transfer the user’s RAW brainwave data over Bluetooth, ensuring a greater degree of data integrity, and will play nice on the PC and Mac platforms in addition to the aforementioned iOS and Android operating systems. No doubt this will expand the reach of this app across different groups of users.

The MindWave Mobile headset will be accompanied by the interactive MyndPlay, which is the world’s first mind-controlled video application that will ensure you are in control of your own movie experiences. MyndPlay works in the same way as that of Edward Packard’s “Choose Your Own Adventure” game books, where you can adjust to different scenes, and your choices will obviously determine the different outcomes. It will require you to focus or relax as and when required. The NeuroSky MindWave Mobile for iOS and Android will retail for $129.95 a pop.

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