According to Intellectual Property centric blog Patentbolt, Google has just been granted three design patents this week with one highlighting how its Project Glass could work with hand gestures. Patentbolt added that the associated hand gesturing feature will be operable day or night due to advanced wearable markers in the form of rings and invisible digital tattooing. The said wearable markers could take in the form of a ring, a bracelet, an artificial fingernail or a decal affixed to a person’s finger, a glove and other possible wearable things.

An infrared reflective surface is also included in the wearable marker in the form of a surface pattern. Google claims that the surface pattern could include either a number, a pattern of lines, a pattern of shapes, an image, or other pictorial designs. The patent allegedly indicates that the surface pattern might also be optically invisible, yet might be configured to be detectable by infrared detection devices such as an infrared camera.

Google explained that a library of hand gestures could be created by generating each hand gesture through a learning or recording process. “At the end of the day, Google’s granted patent detailing the technology behind their video glasses is actually much more advanced than most originally thought. This could be a positive indication that Google may have several detailed versions of their video glasses on the drawing board and that their roadmap for this new device could be much deeper than most could imagine,” Patenbolt said.

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