We’ve come across plenty of Etch A Sketch like cases for the iPhone and iPad in the past, but it looks like this Kickstarter projected dubbed Etcher is interested in taking things to the next level. Etcher is basically a case for your iPad that looks like an Etch A Sketch but comes with the same functionality as well albeit in digital form. It comes with an accompanying app and users will be able to use the knobs on the case itself to draw, just like they would with an actual Etch A Sketch toy. For those wondering, yes, it will erase itself if you shake it, a hark to the good old days. It is a pretty cool idea we’ll have to admit, but at the same time it looks like a novelty accessory that might not be for everyone. Either way if you’d like to see what the Etcher is capable of, check out the video above for a demonstration by Pauline Graziano, a professional Etch A Sketch artist, or head on down to Etcher’s Kickstarter page for the details or to pledge your donation.
Filed in iPad and Kickstarter.
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