A few days ago, pod2g and his team released Absinthe 2.0 for the iOS world, providing iOS users an untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 5.1.1. However its launch was met with several problems that made the jailbreak tool unworkable for some. Well if you own the iPhone 4S and the new iPad 2, you will be pleased to learn that if you have been faced with jailbreak errors (i.e. lockdown error-5 for the iPhone 4S), Absinthe 2.0.4 has been released which should address those problems. Either way if you have yet to jailbreak your device and you have been meaning to, Absinthe 2.0.4 can be found at the greenp0ison website, and always remember to backup your iOS device and its SHSH blobs in case anything goes wrong and you’d like to revert back to the stock version of iOS. Until then, happy tweaking!

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