The military is looking for a humanoid robot, a bipedal machine that can be used in all kinds of terrain and environments up to and including industrial disasters. The military’s research arm DARPA program manager Dr Gill Pratt has announced the new objective at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Industry Day. According to reports, DARPA is planning on funding six hardware teams and twelve software teams to pull off this feat.
The criteria that your creation needs to fulfill are the ability to navigate itself into an open-frame utility vehicle, hope into the driver’s seat and drive the vehicle to a specified location, exit the vehicle, unlock a door and go through it, safely travel down a 100 meter-long hallway littered with debris, climb a ladder, fix a gas-leaking pipe and finally replace a broken pump. If you feel that you are one those who could qualify for the funding do visit DARPA here.
Filed in Darpa.
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