The US is not necessarily the only market that deserves all the latest and greatest gadgets, and it is nice to see Europe and Asia gain a slice of the pie this time around with the announcement of the LG Optimus True HD LTE (even though the Optimus True HD LTE is already in the US, Canada, Japan and Korea). This popular LTE smartphone from LG will arrive specifically in Germany, Portugal, Sweden, Hong Kong and Singapore, although I am not too sure whether folks living in Portugal at this moment have a new smartphone at the top of their wishlist, considering the kind of economic situation that the entire country is in.

Boasting all round multimedia capabilities that are nothing short of impressive, the LG Optimus True HD LTE will feature a stunning 4.5″ True HD IPS display at 1280 x 720 resolution (16:9 ratio), sporting a 1.5GHZ dual-core processor, an 8-megapixel camera, and an update to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich as the operating system of choice. The world is slowly and surely moving forward with LTE networks in different countries, although it remains to be seen just how far flung the LTE net will be thrown worldwide. [Press Release (PDF)]

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