It’s only been a couple of days since Google had officially launched its cloud based storage service, Google Drive. So apart from seeing the integration of Google Docs into the service, what else does Google have planned for their new service? According to Google Drive’s product manager, Scott Johnson, the cloud storage service will also be seeing an integration into Google’s Chrome OS.

The storage service will be integrated into Chrome OS’ file system and essentially provides users a way of saving their files directly to Google Drive itself. It sounds like a great idea and it might be one that could see Chrome OS laptops achieve a higher adoption rate, but before you rush out and get your hands on a Chrome OS laptop, it should be noted that both Johnson and Google’s SVP Sundar Pichai have stated that this integration will only arrive on version 20 of Chrome OS, about two versions away from the current build of Chrome OS. Either way it’s certainly a feature we’re sure Chrome OS users are looking forward to.

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