A mini iPad just will not work, according to Steve Jobs, but somehow or rather, this particular rumor about a 7.85″ iPad has been circulating around for quite some time already, without showing any signs of slowing down at all. Months of speculation has not led to any conclusion, and from time to time, it does spark up yet again. John Gruber recently laid claim that Apple is actually secretly testing a 7.85″ iPad in one of their top secret labs which probably the Pentagon does not know about, either. According to Gruber, he arrived at this conclusion after gaining information from different sources that this 7.85″ model will have a resolution count of 1,024 x 768, and ”just like the 9.7-inch iPad shrunk down a little bit.” He also claimed that “the apps wouldn’t need to be redesigned or recompiled to work on it.” So far, Gruber’s track record of Apple’s future products have been pretty impeccable, so it would be folly to gloss over it at the moment. What do you think – is there an iPad nano or iPad mini in the works?