Both Motorola and Apple have been duking it out for quite a while now regarding patent infringements, with each side claiming that the other allegedly infringed upon their patents. After one and a half years of battling each other, it looks like the ITC has ultimately ruled in Motorola’s favor by handing down a “finding of no violation” ruling and effectively ending the investigation.

For those unfamiliar with the case, back in 2010, Apple filed an ITC complaint against Motorola in response to Motorola’s patent lawsuit against them. The patents Apple alleged Motorola infringed upon had to do with multitouch, but we guess the ITC has decided that Motorola did not infringe upon any of them. Naturally Apple will not be pleased about this ruling and they could dispute the ITC’s decision in the federal court, a move which Florian Mueller of FOSS Patents seems to think Apple will be making, especially since Apple has partially-won an ITC ruling against HTC in the past.

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