The HP TouchPad might be as extinct as dinosaurs, but that does not mean it is dead and buried – yet. It seems that the HP TouchPad does not only run on webOS, but it is also capable of booting up in at least two more different mobile operating systems. We are talking about Google’s Android as well as a range of Linux-based operating systems that have been ported over to the HP TouchPad. Obviously, you need not purchase a trio of TouchPads from the second hand market in order to experience all three operating systems on the tablet – just triple boot it in a multi-boot setup, and you are good to go. Should you decide to include Android into the mix, you ought to also install the Moboot boot manager that allows you to select between webOS and Android at startup. Not only that, you can also add Arch Linux to the mix if that is your cup of tea. Not everything on the TouchPad runs with the Arch Linux operating system, but at least that is a start.