Have you ever wondered what sort of feats HTML5 can accomplish? It seems that the Mozilla Foundation has decided to demonstrate to what extent HTML5 will allow developers to create and have since released a variety of free, open and ambitious in-browser apps designed to inspired. The latest release is a game dubbed Browser Quest by Little Workshop and is actually a MMORPG built completely out of native HTML with no plugins.

BrowserQuest is a tribute to classic video-games with a multiplayer twist. You play as a young warrior driven by the thrill of adventure. No princess to save here, just a dangerous world filled with treasures to discover. And it’s all done in glorious HTML5 and JavaScript.

BrowserQuest can be played by thousands of simultaneous players, distributed across different instances of the in-game world. Click on the population counter at any time to know exactly how many total players are currently online.

Players can see and interact with each other by using an in-game chat system. They can also team up and fight enemies together.

Developers interested in peeking under the hood or would like to tweak the source code themselves, head on over to Mozilla’s website for the details. For the rest of us non-programming folk, point your browser here or check out the video above for a demonstration.

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