The Simpsons Arcade GameIf you were a fan of The Simpsons while growing up, I’m pretty sure you would’ve remembered wasting a lot of quarters playing on this game at the local arcade center. What am I talking about? The Simpsons Arcade Game of course. The classic Double Dragon-style side scrolling beat ’em up was one of the most fun games you could spend your coin on back then. Fortunately for those of you who didn’t get to experience it back then, will get to enjoy the game today. Microsoft has announced that The Simpsons Arcade Game is now available for you to purchase on Xbox LIVE for your Xbox 360.

While you will have to shell out some money for the game (800 points to be exact); you’ll no longer have to spend any additional quarters for extra credits in the game. I haven’t played this game on the Xbox 360 yet, but judging by the screenshots, it looks like the game has been faithfully reproduced for the living room console. Up to four players can play at once so if you have enough Xbox controllers, you can have a pretty fun Simpsons party going on with this game.

Head over to the Xbox LIVE Marketplace now to try (for free) or buy the game today.

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