Vita launchIt seems like forever since the PlayStation Vita was announced, but it looks like the wait is almost over for some people. If you remember back in October last year, Sony announced the launch of the PlayStation Vita Early First Edition Bundle – one of the main perks for purchasing it would be getting the PlayStation Vita one week earlier than everybody else in the US. Well, the Vita arrives in stores next week, which means the early edition bundle will be available for purchase at stores and shipped out to those who have pre-ordered it as well.

For those of you who absolutely have to get your hands on it before anybody else, you’re welcome to line up at select Sony Stores around the country before midnight on February 15th (that means you’ll need to stay up after your Valentine’s Day date – even better, you can bring him/her along with you!). The First Edition Bundle will cost $349.99 and will give you a PlayStation Vita 3G + WiFi, a 4GB Memory Card, a limited edition case, and the Little Deviants game. Anyone pre-ordered the bundle? Or are you planning to line up for one tomorrow night?

Hit the source link for info on which Sony Stores will be opening on Wednesday midnight.

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