Craving for something sweet? Well what better way to satisfy your sweet tooth by having a candy dispenser in your house and filling it to the brim with candy, right? If you are in possession of such a sweet tooth, you might be interested in checking out this candy dispenser which does exactly as advertised, but on top of that has a built-in motion sensor that will allow the dispensing of candy simply by holding out your hand.

The Sharper Image Motion Activated Candy Dispenser features a single portion dispenser and looks to be able to accommodate candies and snacks of various shapes and sizes. It is activated via a on/off switch and can be powered by either 4 AA batteries or through AC power, with the AC power adapter being sold separately. If you happen to spend loads of time in front of the television or playing computer video games, it looks like this could be the gadget you need. Hold out your hand and you’re good to go for another few hours worth of gaming thanks to the good old sugar rush! [Product page]

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