Checking in on your mobile device is not new at all, as this “act” has become old hat for many. The novelty of being a “mayor” at a particular social setting has also lost its lustre, but how about pitting something that most folks are interested in – sex? We are talking about safe sex here, where “checking in” whenever you have had a sexual encounter using condoms would encourage more folks to realize that safe sex is not something to be avoided, but rather, encouraged. The people over at the U.S.-based Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest intends to promote the use of condoms, which they claim is able to reduce the odds of unwanted pregnancy and provide a certain degree of protection from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

The whole idea would be for you to “check in” at, similar to how one would do on Foursquare or Facebook when arriving at a populated social place like a shopping mall or cafe, and your general location will then show up on a map. The site says, “See where other smart, sexy and responsible people are using protection. Sex that safe should be shared.” I am not quite sure whether folks would ride on this idea or not, as most people would prefer to keep their sexual activity off the radar. The three politicians in India would certainly agree on this point.

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