The smartphone of today comes with its fair share of apps that allows it to control TVs and function as a universal remote control around the home, but who would have thought that it can also control a lamp? Of course, this is no ordinary lamp that you can purchase off the shelf and is ready to go right out of the box, as some preparatory work needs to be done beforehand. First of all, a Spoka lamp from IKEA was selected, where it has been subsequently hacked to include an ATtiny2313 and an RS232 Bluetooth module, letting your Android-powered smartphone to control the lamp itself. Since the lamp comes with two modes originally which you select through a switch located at the top, the hack will let you customize the kind of light patterns that it can display, in addition to having it synchronize to music playback. Something to tide you over the weekend if you have a penchant to “hack” everyday items, and it might even win you a new admirer in the process.

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