Normally, the recycling bins that we see around us encourages us to separate the trash into plastics, paper, glass and “others” – and they are just one step above the trash bin “social ladder” simply because of a greener cause. Not so with London’s latest recycling bins, where these will sport dual-screen LCD displays. Meant to be bomb-proof, these high tech trash bins are expected to make their presence felt all over London – around 25 of these will be installed in due time before the 2012 London Olympics kick off, where each of them will cost the taxpayer approximately $1,880 a pop. What makes these bins so smart? First of all, they have integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, so it makes perfect sense if the authorities might actually have plans up their sleeves to turn it into a wireless hotspot for the masses.

Expect to see these smart trash bins debut in other metropolitan cities such as New York, Singapore and Tokyo in due time, especially in the financial districts. After all, there is nothing quite like catching up with the latest on the stock exchange while you are about to dispose of that piece of rubbish, right?

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