Many rumors that make their rounds on the Internet these days tend to have grounds for confirmation, simply because technology has enabled one working from within a company to be able to grab a snapshot here, or an image there, before releasing such information to the masses in a ninja-like manner. The BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 release date has certainly made its rounds on the rumor mill for some time, with many of them touting a February 2012 release date, but out of the 29 days of the month for this year, just which will be the correct one? It seems that February 17th is the most likely candidate at the moment, but there is still no concrete evidence of that. CES 2012 saw PlayBooks at RIM’s booth running on OS, and there were whispers on the ground that RIM was testing later versions in house as well. All in all, we will just sit down and patiently wait for February 17 to roll by – good things, after all, come to those who wait.

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