Have you busted your entire Christmas bonus already, with not a single Benajmin left to spend? Well, for high flyers who earn five digit bonuses each year, here is something that might catch your fancy. Remember the 55″ OLED TV Panel from LG that we covered on Christmas Day? Well, it seems that Santa decided only a few others would be able to enjoy this exquisite piece of consumer electronics, as LG decided to place a price tag that resides in the $8,000 category according to OLED Display, although Displaysearch does wonder whether the price might drop by more than half in a year’s time.

OLED TVs are said to emerge as one of the primary models of TVs under the ’40” or more’ category, and it would be interesting to see just how many people are willing to take the step forward and being an early adopter. After all, current LED and LCD TVs at the same size are a whole lot more affordable, so to fork out such a huge premium for what most of us would deem to be a slight improvement in image quality might not sound like good business sense after all.

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