Now here is a Kickstarter project that really got off to a bright start, achieving far more funds than it requires, and hence, it should keep aspiring DJs and VJs happy – we’re talking about the QuNeo 3D Multi-Touch Controller, where it delivers touch sensitivity to manipulate your audio tracks using pressure, velocity & location, swipes and pinches. Specially developed to redefine music production and performance, QuNeo (you pronounce it as kyoo-ne-oh) is capable of covering the entire range of functionality of other controllers, and more – it is capable of adding the power of extra dimensions.
Quneo is said to come with 27 pads, sliders and rotary sensors, boasting 3D Multi-Touch recognition for pressure, velocity, and location sensitivity, enabling musicians to play electronic sounds as well as the ability to change their timbre (quality, brightness and volume). To play it harder or softer, just vary the touch pressure. Not only that, the pads will be responsive to X (left – right) and Y (up – down) and can recognize multiple gestures for pinching and swiping. It will fit into current iPad accessories, where 251 multi-color LEDs deliver the relevant feedback. Out in March next year, the QuNeo will cost you $200 a pop.
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