Facebook timeline mobileIf you’re a fan of Facebook’s recently implemented Timeline interface and wish it was available on the iPad app for Facebook – you’re in luck. The folks over at 9to5Mac recently got some details from an inside source stating that the iPad app will gain Timeline support sometime in mid-to-late-January. Apparently the app was supposed to be released this month, but due to last minute bugs found during advanced testing, the release of the app has been pushed back.

Currently, the Timeline view is already available on the iPhone and iPod touch version of the app, so iPad users have been missing out for awhile – unless they accessed Facebook using a web browser. The iPad version of the Timeline is said to combine the desktop experience with multi-touch features that are possible on the iPad’s touchscreen display. I wonder what tricks Facebook has up its sleeve? If rumors turn out to be true, we only have to wait for about a month to find out more.

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