Remember the days a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, where you relied on this thing called the VHS tape to watch your favorite home movies? Ah, that was also the heyday of the Sony Walkman – when it still relied on cassettes instead of CDs or even later, MP3 files, to dispense music wherever you went. Well, here is a blast from the past with a little bit of creativity – old school VHS tapes have been gutted and reconfigured in a way where they are able to hold external hard drives of various capacities, ranging from 320GB to 500GB, 640GB and even 750GB.

Should you want one of these for yourself, you will not only receive the converted VHS tape and the original VHS jacket, it will also bring back good memories – case in point, this $129.99 Star Wars 750GB hard drive. Be careful when you wipe that tear out of nostalgia – you do not want anyone catch you doing so and call you a Luddite for not wanting to progress in terms of technology.

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