Folks who are living in the UK as well as Ireland have something to look forward to – they will be getting Netflix’s services sometime from early next year onwards, which means if you so happen to live in that part of the world, you too, can take advantage of unlimited video streaming on desktops, tablets, notebooks, netbooks and other compatible mobile devices at what Netflix calls a “low monthly subscription price.”

This is where the theory of relativity comes in – no idea on what Netflix means by “low” here, and neither did they volunteer any more details on the kind of content that viewers will be getting as well as the list of compatible devices, although we do expect that additional and crucial details will be announced as the launch date draws closer. It makes sense too, as potential subscribers are then able to tweak and fine tune their Christmas shopping list to get Netflix-compatible devices.

Will Netflix’s entry into the Irish and UK markets loosen Lovefilm’s grip? That remains to be seen, and more power to the consumer! [Press Release]

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