Raspberry PiRemember the Raspberry Pi minicomputer that we talked about a few months ago? Well, the computer that was designed for the younger generation of techies is still not available for purchase but it looks like you’ll be able to get one before it goes on sale. The folks over at Raspberry Pi recently wrote about the computer’s history and how it’s evolved since then. From an Atmel ATmega644 microcontroller that ran at 22.1MHz with 512K of SRAM that’s now been replaced by a 700MHz ARM11 processor and 128/256MB of SDRAM – talk an upgrade!

And in addition to writing about the device’s history, they’ve also decided to share the schematics and PCB layout of the 2006 Raspberry Pi computer. With the materials, and all the right tools; you can get started on building a Raspberry Pi minicomputer for yourself (unfortunately it’s not the latest version of the computer). The Raspberry Pi is expcted to cost $25 when it goes on sale in the near future.

[Raspberry Pi blog]

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