Samsung has just sent out invites to the media concerning an upcoming event it will be holding on October 11th. Besides the name of the event: Samsung Mobile Unpacked 2011, Google Episode; the description “Join us at SAMSUNG MOBILE UNPACKED 2011 to get a look at what’s new from Android.” and the Google logo next to the Samsung logo at the bottom, the invitation doesn’t offer any additional clues to what the event will be about.
But seeing how the event is in the final quarter of the year – the scheduled time frame for Ice Cream Sandwich’s (Android 4.0) release, together with the co-branding of Google on the invitation we can’t help but feel it might be the announcement of the next Nexus phone – the rumored Nexus Prime. Or we could be totally off the mark, we can’t say for sure. What we do know is that we’ll keep you up to date on what goes on. For those of you interested in watching the event from the comfort of your own home, there will be a Livestream available as well. October 11th, 11.30AM – mark it down on your calendar.
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