Are you curious as to what Nokia’s upcoming Windows Phone handsets will be bringing to the table? Well according to Microsoft, Nokia apparently has special permissions to modify Windows Phone a little bit more than what other manufacturers like Samsung and HTC can do, and it looks like 3D maps and voice controlled navigation will be one of them.

It’s important for handset manufacturers to distinguish themselves and set themselves apart from the competition, for example Samsung is known for putting out handsets with AMOLED/Super AMOLED displays, while Huawei and ZTE are probably better known for making their devices affordable.

Now if this translated T-Mobile Nokia Windows Phone marketing poster spotted in Germany is accurate, Nokia’s upcoming Windows Phone handset will be featuring 3D maps (3D building representation) along with voice controlled navigation.

If this is the case, Microsoft’s Bing on Nokia Windows Phone handsets can expect to see heavy modification. This has yet to be confirmed, but we think that these features could be confirmed and revealed during Nokia World in late October, which is when the Nokia Sabre and possible the Sea Ray could be officially unveiled.

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