October 4th has seen many historical events happen – Napoleon’s rise to national prominence by using cannon to suppress armed counter-revolutionary rioters threatening the French Legislature (hmmm, nothing’s much changed in world governments these days albeit the mode of force employed), the Crimean War begins, the first run of the Orient Express happened, Gutzon Borglum starts work on Mount Rushmore – but you can add one more item to the list – the iPhone 5 being announced.

Having said that, there is a video on YouTube that claims the iPhone 5 (which frankly, shot under such poor lighting conditions, makes the handset in question look more like an iPhone 4 instead) was recorded in action, switching GPUs in the process under the System Settings that leads to a special “Developers” tab.

A “Developers” tab, hmmm? Does that point towards it being the “lost” prototype that allows partners of Apple to test the graphics performance of the device? Perhaps, as the preference pane displays the ability to switch between SGX535 and SGX545, whereby both graphics processors hail from Imagination Technologies.

I personally think that this is a fake video with a faux “Developer” application. What do you think?

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  • 1136x640
  • 326 PPI
8 MP
  • f/2.4 Aperture
1440 mAh
    1GB RAM
    • A6
    • None
    ~$165 - Amazon
    112 g
    Launched in
    Storage (GB)
    • 64