OK, so there is no “Eleanor” in this high tech version of Gone in 60 Seconds – but it is still no laughing matter even though the haul of carted away iPads amounted to “just” $60,000. Yes sir, the authorities in Florida are on the lookout for three men who decided to hitch away $60,000 worth of iPads from a Best Buy early this morning. Needless to say, the surveillance did its job – barely, capturing three men dressed in traditional thief garb of dark clothing and gloves, taking a mere a minute to complete the theft.

The break-in occurred at around 4:46 in the morning, and obviously by the time the long arm of the law arrived at the scene, those involved have long disappeared. This is definitely swift in nature, but if you were to gun for a record, then the thieves in Ohio certainly did their job in double quick time – literally. They required a mere 30 seconds to empty an Apple retailer of 24 laptops and an iPad in May ealier this year.

Do you think such efficiency points toward an inside job, or is it because such stores have a thief-friendly layout?

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