Windows Phone MangoAnother month, another milestone reached for Microsoft Windows Phone. It was back in July when we reported about the platforms app store, Windows Marketplace, hitting 25,000 apps, and now it has been reported to hit 30,000 apps. While it’s still a way off from the 425,000+ iOS apps and 200,000+ Android apps available, for an operating system that’s not even a year old – it’s a pretty impressive feat. And the recent interest of webOS developers looking to migrate to the platform should help those numbers jump pretty quickly.

It has also been reported that all Windows Phone 7 apps will work on Mango as well – so there’s no form of “fragmentation” here – which is good news. But considering how we’re still on the first generation of WP7 phones that all feature similar hardware – it’s not really a big deal. We’ll check on the situation again next year when there are more devices, not to mention manufacturer customized devices (i.e. Nokia) on the market, and we’ll see if the situation is the same. With Mango already complete and now in the hands of manufacturers, a thriving eco system and a slew of new devices that should be announced later this year – Windows Phone 7’s first birthday should be pretty happening.

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